Gravity has a greater pull on me these days. With the move back to Utah, change in climate and weather, welcome back indulgences in comfort food and Halloween sweets, I've lost my running form and gained time on my splits. No good.
There's a challenge at the gym at work this month.
"How fast can you run a mile on the treadmill?" the posters read, enticing us competitive busy bees to stop pushing paper and start kicking tread.
I tried my hand (or foot) the other day, setting the treadmill for a 6:00/mile pace. I increased the treadmill incline a bit to simulate actual road running. I made it about 4 minutes. Curses.
Oh well, it was my first 1-mile time trial on a treadmill. I'm sure I'll do better next time. My goal is to run a 6:00 by the end of November. Who knows, maybe it was just my nutrition for that one day or lack of stretching or warm-up beforehand. Or maybe I'm just out of shape.