Thursday, December 3, 2009

Running with Peoples

I've always found some reason not to. It's too far of a drive just for a run. I'm not fast enough. I'm too fast. I won't know what to say. I won't know anyone there. It'll just be awkward. I like my "me" time on the road. I don't need that...

For one reason or another, I've never run with a running club. That is, I *had* never run with a running club. Until tonight.

I joined the Salt Lake City Track Club this Wednesday evening for their weekly fun run. I was worried at first, nervous, because everyone there already seemed to know the drill. But as we were about to head out on the 5-mile route, I loosened up. I chatted with faster-looking runners, trying to find someone to follow. (I had no idea where the course took us, so this was key). But I started off with a dude, and I was able to keep pace with him as he showed me the course. We also talked about the group as a whole, how it works and the general feel of the organization.

I'm happy I made it out there tonight. I'm excited to find runners who will push me, runners I can push back. Running buddies...that would be awesome. I'm excited to get out with the group again, maybe this weekend. I'm starting to think this whole "club" thing may be my ticket to Boston, and a more fulfilling time on the road.