Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Hey folks,

Runner Kicks here.  I'm just starting out on this bloggin' thang, but I've been running off-and-on since 2004.  Starting up a running blog has been on my mind for a while, and I know I'm not the first to have this idea.  But I just thought I'd throw my hat into the ring, or put in my two cents.  After I get a few more blogs up, sorta like base miles, I'm aiming to create a running podcast to put out there.  Until then, I hope you enjoy a quasi-weekly peek into this runner's brain.

This blogging effort begins with your host in recovery.  I just ran the 2008 Tokyo Marathon a couple of weeks ago.  This was my first marathon completion (Yippee!).  The end of my training, the culmination of months of preparation, all came down to 42.195 kilometers on the streets of Tokyo.  As one endeavor ends, another begins; and so, I write.

First, a recap of the Tokyo Marathon.

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