Saturday, October 23, 2010

Les vents du changement

You know when you're in the shower, and the water's hitting the top of your head, and you get in some sorta trance, just standing there? Then, you look down and see that, suddenly, your fingers are all pruney. And you think to yourself, "How long have I been in here?"

Yeah, that's what happened with my running this year.

So, no qualifying for Boston this year. Somehow, I just let that pass me by. I guess I became too focused on going to the gym and working on those damned machines, ellipticalizing my way to a fuller sense of fitness. But no!

I'm back on it. Back running. Back to getting my groove back. One man. One fire. One burning desire. Boston, 20xx, here I come.

I ran around the park this afternoon a couple times, just 2.8 miles. Then I found a big hill the kids use for sledding in winter, and I charged up-and-down that mother ten times. I actually FELT my legs after this run. Feels like summoning the beast. And I like it.

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