Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Whoa there, Tiger

I went out for four miles today, complete with cheers from elementary kids around the neighborhood. I'll really miss that when I leave Japan this August, little munchkins shouting, "Dan-sensei, Fight-o!" every time I pass the nearby park. That's not really something you ever get in America. Usually it would be something more like, "Run, Forrrrrest, Run!" from an over-privileged group of teens, kids shaping their view of the world with the help of Youtube, Prozac, and a serious lack of adult supervision.

These school kids in Japan can really pick me up, at times maybe a bit too much for my own good. I maintained a 6:45/mile pace for today's 4-miler, and I think I should reel that back a bit. It can be difficult, though, especially when the weather is so nice.

So, I'm backing off, just a tad. Gotta keep my eyes on the prize. Boston or bust, 2010.

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