Excellent. Just...excellent.
10 days before my race, I started feeling...this. A dull, bruise-type pain in my right foot. Doesn't hurt all the time, just when I RUN ON IT. I have modified my gait to consciously avoid the natural pronation of my right foot, and that seems to quiet down the pain, pain, pain of landing. I even went out and bought new running kicks to see if the shoes I was wearing were the culprit. But no, the pain persists. Seems like some type of overuse injury in the making. And running 26.2 miles, at or near Boston-Qualifying pace this Sunday is sure to make it worse.
I'm trying to rest it and just see how it goes. The devil on my shoulder is whispering "stressssss fracturrrrre," in my ear. And I don't want to hear that. Not after four months of training, and NOT four DAYS before the race.
Oh, taper, how I despise thee.
Here's to hoping. Hoping that the pain will disappear, or at least subside long enough for me to finish this marathon in a respectable time. Hope hope hope.
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